Software Developer

Design and Web Development

Jean Solano

Cutuglagua, San Francisco

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Web Development

I am proficient in developing web applications with a range of programming languages, including PHP, C#, Java, JavaScript, C++, HTML, CSS, and databases such as MySQL. I am also skilled in using Laravel, a framework that enables me to build efficient MySQL-based applications. I can upload information to the server, and some users will require an account and password to access the system.

Mobile Applications

I am familiar with Kotlin and Java and can provide mobile development services if required.

Software Installation

I have been installing a number of software packages on PCs, including Windows 11, 10, 8, and Linux. I am also able to install office packages such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneDrive. In addition, I can install other software, including Adobe Cloud, Photoshop, and Adobe Premiere.